In the Media
Krista is a contributor and writer for print, digital and television media across Australia. Check out some of her clips below. If you are interested in having Krista contribute to your article, interview or feature piece, or you are interested in Krista copywriting design pieces for your organisation, please contact her here.
Home Beautiful- BIJOU BEAUTY
April 2025
Story: Julia Fairley- Photos: Pablo Viega

House & Garden- Growth Mindset
December 2022
Story: Georgia Madden- Photos: Pablo Viega

Sky News Interview- Pantone Colour of the Year, Ultra Violet
The Real Estate Show with Sophie Hull + James Treble
Krista Writing for Designbx
Gadget Guide- How to make your home eco-frindly

By Krista Collard
Welcome to the second instalment in our sustainability series here at Designbx. Last time we discussed different material options that you can incorporate into your abode to make it more eco-friendly and we talked a little bit about tech gadgets that can help too. We’re going to delve into those eco-friendly home appliances a bit deeper here...
Pantone 2018 – Let us be your guide to getting Ultra Violet right

By Krista Collard
It’s official. Ultra Violet is Pantone 2018. If we’re honest, we were a bit intimidated that such a bold combination of purple and violet would be the hue we’d be working into designs for the next 12 or so months. It’s not a simple one. It’s easy to overdo, (in fact, nearly impossible to underdo), but one look at Beyonce, AKA Sasha Fierce, rocking this ultra fierce purple-violet hybrid, our hope was restored... READ MORE
Eco Green- Design in the home

By Krista Collard
As climate disruption continues, consumers are also becoming much more conscious of their contribution to the problem. Actively engaging with our politicians by demanding policy reforms that curb our carbon footprint is as important as ever. Importantly, becoming environmentally efficient in our own homes now, also makes a major difference in turning back the clock on climate change... READ MORE
Asian Interior Design- Ring in the Chinese New Year

By Krista Collard
Chinese New Year is upon us! The festivities mark the turn of the traditional Lunisolar Chinese calendar. Kicking off on February 15th, it lasts for just over two weeks and closes with the magical lantern festival on March 2nd. The holiday is celebrated with fireworks, dragon dances and of course, great food. The influences of this celebration are seen in Asian interior design...